University of Hawaii Maui College
SSM 495 - SSM Capstone I

1. Course Alpha. Please click on the ? to the right for help.


2. Course Number. Please click on the ? to the right for help.


3. Course Title/Catalog Title. Please click on the ? to the right for help.

 SSM Capstone I

4. Number of Credits. Please click on the ? to the right for help.


5. Contact Hours/Type. Please click on the ? to the right for help.

  • Hour lecture (3)

6. Course Description. Please click on the ? to the right for help.


Provides an opportunity to demonstrate the techniques and understanding developed throughout the BAS Sustainable Science Management program in a final project.  Includes energy auditing, computational analysis, sustainable strategic planning and financial assessment, water and resource conservation, impacts to human and ecosystem health, land use and transportation, policy and regulatory analysis, and social equity and ethical considerations.

7. Pre-Requisites. Please click on the ? to the right for help.


 SSM 301, SSM 302, SSM 375, SSM 401, SSM 402, ENG 316, MGT 322 all with grade C or better; or consent.

8. Co-requisites.


9. Recommended Preparation.


10. Is this a cross-listed course? Please click on the ? to the right for help.


11. Reason for Proposal. Why is this course being proposed or modified? This question requires specific information as part of the explanation. Please click on the ? to the right for help.


 SSM required course.


12. Effective Semester and Year. For new or modified courses, the effective year is one year from the semester proposed. For example, if proposed in Spring 2012, the effective semester is Spring 2013. Please click on the ? to the right for help.

 Fall 2013

13. Grading Method. What grading methods may be used for this course? Please click on the ? to the right for help.

  • Standard (Letter,Cr/NCr,Audit) (0)

14. Is this course repeatable for credit? How often can this course be counted toward a degree or certificate? Please click on the ? to the right for help.


15. Course Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs). DO NOT ENTER TEXT IN THE TEXT BOX BELOW. Click on the yellow button "COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES" and enter in that screen. Please click on the ? to the right for help.

 Course SLO/Competencydelineate the scale and applicability of sustainability measurement tools such as the environmental performance index or life cycle assessmentdocument the information resources are available to learn about the potential negative impacts of issues related to environmental degradationdescribe and evaluate a project for property, resource, and development conflicts occurring between each component of sustainability or the triple bottom linepresent a complete formal project including a written paper with objectives, background, abstract, overview, methods, results and analysis, conclusions and summaryincorporate basic economic assessments including return on investment for projects where relevantlist and outline the implications of county, state, federal or EPA standards or legislation associated with project related issues, evaluate the interconnections among policy areas including international treatiesConstruct a sustainability analysis including using analytical methods such as: stakeholder analysis, life cycle assessment, carbon footprint calculator, energy auditing, etc.
summarize the sustainable science management program experience including scientifically sound measures and metrics learned in program courses (e.g. chemistry, biology, energy) as well as project management skills




develop an understanding of how the science of sustainability is applicable in the community and the globe






articulate and demonstrate familiarity with major environmental and sustainability challenges, including the specific challenges that impact island communities



demonstrate how sustainable science measurement tools can inform policies that will shape a sustainable future


determine policies that are relevant and imperative for the success of a particular sustainability project





 Course SLO/PSLOExplains features and functions of multiple systems are interconnected, and explain how one system can be optimized without degrading other systems or depleting natural resourcesInvestigate, discover and summarize federal, state, local and industry codes, standards, laws, regulations, and guidelinesAssess the feasibility of investing in sustainability measures using simple payback, return on investment, and life cycle costing techniquesDescribe the unique sustainability challenges faced by island communitiesIdentify, outline and illustrate the fundamentals of existing and emerging technologies in energy production, distribution and management; water supply; wastewater treatment; and waste management; their applications, processes and requirements Appraise, evaluate, summarize, and explain the economic, social, cultural, political, and scientific features that make a system, process, practice, or business sustainable and consolidate that information into a sustainability profile Propose and justify creative solutions to sustainability challenges that are scientifically soundDemonstrate skills related to managing sustainability projects including defining scope, selecting achievable goals, evaluating ethical implications, working with diverse teams, making presentations, and preparing reports
summarize the sustainable science management program experience including scientifically sound measures and metrics learned in program courses (e.g. chemistry, biology, energy) as well as project management skills



develop an understanding of how the science of sustainability is applicable in the community and the globe







articulate and demonstrate familiarity with major environmental and sustainability challenges, including the specific challenges that impact island communities





demonstrate how sustainable science measurement tools can inform policies that will shape a sustainable future




determine policies that are relevant and imperative for the success of a particular sustainability project







16. Course Competencies. DO NOT ENTER TEXT IN THE TEXT BOX BELOW. Click on the yellow button "COURSE COMPETENCIES/ISSUES/SKILLS" and enter text in that screen. Course competencies are smaller, simpler tasks that connect to and facilitate the SLOs.

delineate the scale and applicability of sustainability measurement tools such as the environmental performance index or life cycle assessment
document the information resources are available to learn about the potential negative impacts of issues related to environmental degradation
describe and evaluate a project for property, resource, and development conflicts occurring between each component of sustainability or the triple bottom line
present a complete formal project including a written paper with objectives, background, abstract, overview, methods, results and analysis, conclusions and summary
incorporate basic economic assessments including return on investment for projects where relevant
list and outline the implications of county, state, federal or EPA standards or legislation associated with project related issues, evaluate the interconnections among policy areas including international treaties
Construct a sustainability analysis including using analytical methods such as: stakeholder analysis, life cycle assessment, carbon footprint calculator, energy auditing, etc.

17. Recommended Course Content and Timeline. The course content facilitates the course competencies. Course content may be organized by weeks, units, topics or the like.

Each project must be done individually with the exception of larger projects which can be done in group subject to the approval of the instuctor.  Students will have the option of working with industry partners or conducting an original sustainablity case study of choice. Each project or case study must:

(1) identify a sustainability challenge

(2) hypothesize or plan a solution

(3) conduct background research on past or current related work associated with the challenge

(4) select a sustainability analyss tool such as (a) stakeholder analysis (b) life cycle analysis (c) systems thinking (d) carbon footprint (e) energy audit (f) storage or energy management modeling (e) sustianability conflict solution analysis

(5) present an outline and plan for the overall final project to an audience of peers in a digital presentation format before the end of the semester
2-3 weeks: Idea brainstorming, industry possibilities, project topic choosing and approval.
3-4 weeks: Review and revision of  sustainabiliy analysis and research methods
6-8 weeks: Project Research, analysis, benchmarks, draft outline of paper, draft outline of presentation 
1-2 weeks: Recap mettings and student feedback

18. Program Learning Outcomes. DO NOT ENTER TEXT IN THE TEXT BOX BELOW. Click on the yellow button "PLOs" and enter text in that screen. Program Student Learning Outcomes (PLOs) supported by this course. If you are not a "program" use the Liberal Arts PLOs, view them by clicking on ? icon to the right.

Program SLO
Explains features and functions of multiple systems are interconnected, and explain how one system can be optimized without degrading other systems or depleting natural resources
Investigate, discover and summarize federal, state, local and industry codes, standards, laws, regulations, and guidelines
Assess the feasibility of investing in sustainability measures using simple payback, return on investment, and life cycle costing techniques
Describe the unique sustainability challenges faced by island communities
Identify, outline and illustrate the fundamentals of existing and emerging technologies in energy production, distribution and management; water supply; wastewater treatment; and waste management; their applications, processes and requirements
 Appraise, evaluate, summarize, and explain the economic, social, cultural, political, and scientific features that make a system, process, practice, or business sustainable and consolidate that information into a sustainability profile
 Propose and justify creative solutions to sustainability challenges that are scientifically sound
Demonstrate skills related to managing sustainability projects including defining scope, selecting achievable goals, evaluating ethical implications, working with diverse teams, making presentations, and preparing reports

19. College-wide Academic Student Learning Outcomes (CASLOs). FIRST, fill out the CASLO grid located in the UHMC tab above. Click on the HELP icon for tips on determining support for the CASLOs and indicate your choices below by clicking on the box in front of each supported CASLO. NOTE: Our campus does not use the Preparatory Level, Level 1 and Level 2 designations in the chart below.


selectedCreativity - Able to express originality through a variety of forms.

  selectedLevel 2
selectedCritical Thinking - Apply critical thinking skills to effectively address the challenges and solve problems.

  selectedLevel 2
selectedInformation Retrieval and Technology - Access, evaluate, and utilize information effectively, ethically, and responsibly.

  selectedLevel 2
selectedOral Communication - Practice ethical and responsible oral communications appropriately to a variety of audiences and purposes.

  selectedLevel 2
selectedQuantitative Reasoning - Synthesize and articulate information using appropriate mathematical methods to solve problems of quantative reasoning accurately and appropriately.

  selectedLevel 2
selectedWritten Communication - Write effectively to convey ideas that meet the needs of specific audiences and purposes.

  selectedLevel 2

Creativity - Able to express originality through a variety of forms.
Critical Thinking - Apply critical thinking skills to effectively address the challenges and solve problems.
Information Retrieval and Technology - Access, evaluate, and utilize information effectively, ethically, and responsibly.
Oral Communication - Practice ethical and responsible oral communications appropriately to a variety of audiences and purposes.
Quantitative Reasoning - Synthesize and articulate information using appropriate mathematical methods to solve problems of quantative reasoning accurately and appropriately.
Written Communication - Write effectively to convey ideas that meet the needs of specific audiences and purposes.

20. Linking. CLICK ON CHAIN LINK ICON IN UPPER RIGHT HAND CORNER TO BEGIN LINKING. Please click on the ? to the right for help.


21. Method(s) of delivery appropriate for this course. Please click on the ? to the right for help.

  • Cable TV (0)
  • Classroom/Lab (0)
  • HITS/Interactive TV (0)
  • Hybrid (0)
  • Online (0)
  • Other, explain (0)

22. Text and Materials, Reference Materials, and Auxiliary Materials. Please click on the ? to the right for help.


Research, writing, and presentation tools or techniques.  Journal materials will be given in class such as:  APA formatting, Final Project Write-up: A Web-based Writing Tool, by Joris Morbee. 

23. Maximum enrollment. Please click on the ? to the right for help.


24. Particular room type requirement. Is this course restricted to particular room type? Please click on the ? to the right for help.


25. Special scheduling considerations. Are there special scheduling considerations for this course? Please click on the ? to the right for help.


26. Are special or additional resources needed for this course? Please click on the ? to the right for help.



27. Does this course require special fees to be paid for by students? Please click on the ? to the right for help.


28. Does this course change the number of required credit hours in a degree or certificate? Please click on the ? to the right for help.



29. Course designation(s) for the Liberal Arts A.A. degree and/or for the college's other associate degrees. Please click on the ? to the right for help.

Associate in Arts:Liberal ArtsEA - Environmental Awareness

LE - Elective
BAS:OtherCR - Core Course/Requirement - BAS

 Core Requirement for BAS SSM-Sustainable Science Management

30. Course designation(s) for other colleges in the UH system.



31. Indicate the year and page # of UHMC catalog referred to. For new or modified courses, please indicate the catalog pages that need to be modified and provide a sheet outlining those changes.


 2012-2013 p. 142

Also changed to page 27 in Program Map

32. College-wide Academic Student Learner Outcomes (CASLOs). Please click on the HELP icon for more information.

Standard 1 - Written Communication
Write effectively to convey ideas that meet the needs of specific audiences and purposes.
Outcome 1.1 - Use writing to discover and articulate ideas. 3
Outcome 1.2 - Identify and analyze the audience and purpose for any intended communication. 2
Outcome 1.3 - Choose language, style, and organization appropriate to particular purposes and audiences. 3
Outcome 1.4 - Gather information and document sources appropriately. 3
Outcome 1.5 - Express a main idea as a thesis, hypothesis, or other appropriate statement. 3
Outcome 1.6 - Develop a main idea clearly and concisely with appropriate content. 3
Outcome 1.7 - Demonstrate a mastery of the conventions of writing, including grammar, spelling, and mechanics. 3
Outcome 1.8 - Demonstrate proficiency in revision and editing. 3
Outcome 1.9 - Develop a personal voice in written communication. 3
Standard 2 - Quantitative Reasoning
Synthesize and articulate information using appropriate mathematical methods to solve problems of quantative reasoning accurately and appropriately.
Outcome 2.1 - Apply numeric, graphic, and symbolic skills and other forms of quantitative reasoning accurately and appropriately. 3
Outcome 2.2 - Demonstrate mastery of mathematical concepts, skills, and applications, using technology when appropriate. 2
Outcome 2.3 - Communicate clearly and concisely the methods and results of quantitative problem solving. 3
Outcome 2.4 - Formulate and test hypotheses using numerical experimentation. 2
Outcome 2.5 - Define quantitative issues and problems, gather relevant information, analyze that information, and present results. 3
Outcome 2.6 - Assess the validity of statistical conclusions. 3
Standard 3 - Information Retrieval and Technology.
Access, evaluate, and utilize information effectively, ethically, and responsibly.
Outcome 3.1 - Use print and electronic information technology ethically and responsibly. 3
Outcome 3.2 - Demonstrate knowledge of basic vocabulary, concepts, and operations of information retrieval and technology. 3
Outcome 3.3 - Recognize, identify, and define an information need. 3
Outcome 3.4 - Access and retrieve information through print and electronic media, evaluating the accuracy and authenticity of that information.  3
Outcome 3.5 - Create, manage, organize, and communicate information through electronic media. 3
Outcome 3.6 - Recognize changing technologies and make informed choices about their appropriateness and use. 3
Standard 4 - Oral Communication
Practice ethical and responsible oral communications appropriately to a variety of audiences and purposes.
Outcome 4.1 - Identify and analyze the audience and purpose of any intended communication. 3
Outcome 4.2 - Gather, evaluate, select, and organize information for the communication. 3
Outcome 4.3 - Use language, techniques, and strategies appropriate to the audience and occasion. 3
Outcome 4.4 - Speak clearly and confidently, using the voice, volume, tone, and articulation appropriate to the audience and occasion. 3
Outcome 4.5 - Summarize, analyze, and evaluate oral communications and ask coherent questions as needed. 3
Outcome 4.6 - Use competent oral expression to initiate and sustain discussions. 3
Standard 5 - Critical Thinking
Apply critical thinking skills to effectively address the challenges and solve problems.
Outcome 5.1 - Identify and state problems, issues, arguments, and questions contained in a body of information. 3
Outcome 5.2 - Identify and analyze assumptions and underlying points of view relating to an issue or problem. 3
Outcome 5.3 - Formulate research questions that require descriptive and explanatory analyses. 3
Outcome 5.4 - Recognize and understand multiple modes of inquiry, including investigative methods based on observation and analysis. 3
Outcome 5.5 - Evaluate a problem, distinguishing between relevant and irrelevant facts, opinions, assumptions, issues, values, and biases through the use of appropriate evidence. 3
Outcome 5.6 - Apply problem-solving techniques and skills, including the rules of logic and logical sequence. 3
Outcome 5.7 - Synthesize information from various sources, drawing appropriate conclusions. 3
Outcome 5.8 - Communicate clearly and concisely the methods and results of logical reasoning. 3
Outcome 5.9 - Reflect upon and evaluate their thought processes, value system, and world views in comparison to those of others. 3
Standard 6 - Creativity
Able to express originality through a variety of forms.
Outcome 6.1: Generate responses to problems and challenges through intuition and non-linear thinking. 2
Outcome 6.2: Explore diverse approaches to solving a problem or addressing a challenge. 3
Outcome 6.3: Sustain engagement in activities without a preconceived purpose. 3
Outcome 6.4: Apply creative principles to discover and express new ideas. 2
Outcome 6.5: Demonstrate the ability to trust and follow one’s instincts in the absence of external direction 3
Outcome 6.6: Build upon or adapt the ideas of others to create novel expressions or new solutions. 3

33. Additional Information




delineate the scale and applicability of sustainability measurement tools such as the environmental performance index or life cycle assessment
document the information resources are available to learn about the potential negative impacts of issues related to environmental degradation
describe and evaluate a project for property, resource, and development conflicts occurring between each component of sustainability or the triple bottom line
present a complete formal project including a written paper with objectives, background, abstract, overview, methods, results and analysis, conclusions and summary
incorporate basic economic assessments including return on investment for projects where relevant
list and outline the implications of county, state, federal or EPA standards or legislation associated with project related issues, evaluate the interconnections among policy areas including international treaties
Construct a sustainability analysis including using analytical methods such as: stakeholder analysis, life cycle assessment, carbon footprint calculator, energy auditing, etc.
delineate the scale and applicability of sustainability measurement tools such as the environmental performance index or life cycle assessment

Course SLO

summarize the sustainable science management program experience including scientifically sound measures and metrics learned in program courses (e.g. chemistry, biology, energy) as well as project management skills
document the information resources are available to learn about the potential negative impacts of issues related to environmental degradation

Course SLO

summarize the sustainable science management program experience including scientifically sound measures and metrics learned in program courses (e.g. chemistry, biology, energy) as well as project management skills
describe and evaluate a project for property, resource, and development conflicts occurring between each component of sustainability or the triple bottom line

Course SLO

summarize the sustainable science management program experience including scientifically sound measures and metrics learned in program courses (e.g. chemistry, biology, energy) as well as project management skills
present a complete formal project including a written paper with objectives, background, abstract, overview, methods, results and analysis, conclusions and summary

Course SLO

summarize the sustainable science management program experience including scientifically sound measures and metrics learned in program courses (e.g. chemistry, biology, energy) as well as project management skills
incorporate basic economic assessments including return on investment for projects where relevant

Course SLO

summarize the sustainable science management program experience including scientifically sound measures and metrics learned in program courses (e.g. chemistry, biology, energy) as well as project management skills
list and outline the implications of county, state, federal or EPA standards or legislation associated with project related issues, evaluate the interconnections among policy areas including international treaties

Course SLO

summarize the sustainable science management program experience including scientifically sound measures and metrics learned in program courses (e.g. chemistry, biology, energy) as well as project management skills
Construct a sustainability analysis including using analytical methods such as: stakeholder analysis, life cycle assessment, carbon footprint calculator, energy auditing, etc.

Course SLO

summarize the sustainable science management program experience including scientifically sound measures and metrics learned in program courses (e.g. chemistry, biology, energy) as well as project management skills
delineate the scale and applicability of sustainability measurement tools such as the environmental performance index or life cycle assessment

Course SLO

develop an understanding of how the science of sustainability is applicable in the community and the globe
document the information resources are available to learn about the potential negative impacts of issues related to environmental degradation

Course SLO

develop an understanding of how the science of sustainability is applicable in the community and the globe
describe and evaluate a project for property, resource, and development conflicts occurring between each component of sustainability or the triple bottom line

Course SLO

develop an understanding of how the science of sustainability is applicable in the community and the globe
present a complete formal project including a written paper with objectives, background, abstract, overview, methods, results and analysis, conclusions and summary

Course SLO

develop an understanding of how the science of sustainability is applicable in the community and the globe
incorporate basic economic assessments including return on investment for projects where relevant

Course SLO

develop an understanding of how the science of sustainability is applicable in the community and the globe
list and outline the implications of county, state, federal or EPA standards or legislation associated with project related issues, evaluate the interconnections among policy areas including international treaties

Course SLO

develop an understanding of how the science of sustainability is applicable in the community and the globe
Construct a sustainability analysis including using analytical methods such as: stakeholder analysis, life cycle assessment, carbon footprint calculator, energy auditing, etc.

Course SLO

develop an understanding of how the science of sustainability is applicable in the community and the globe
delineate the scale and applicability of sustainability measurement tools such as the environmental performance index or life cycle assessment

Course SLO

articulate and demonstrate familiarity with major environmental and sustainability challenges, including the specific challenges that impact island communities
document the information resources are available to learn about the potential negative impacts of issues related to environmental degradation

Course SLO

articulate and demonstrate familiarity with major environmental and sustainability challenges, including the specific challenges that impact island communities
describe and evaluate a project for property, resource, and development conflicts occurring between each component of sustainability or the triple bottom line

Course SLO

articulate and demonstrate familiarity with major environmental and sustainability challenges, including the specific challenges that impact island communities
present a complete formal project including a written paper with objectives, background, abstract, overview, methods, results and analysis, conclusions and summary

Course SLO

articulate and demonstrate familiarity with major environmental and sustainability challenges, including the specific challenges that impact island communities
incorporate basic economic assessments including return on investment for projects where relevant

Course SLO

articulate and demonstrate familiarity with major environmental and sustainability challenges, including the specific challenges that impact island communities
list and outline the implications of county, state, federal or EPA standards or legislation associated with project related issues, evaluate the interconnections among policy areas including international treaties

Course SLO

articulate and demonstrate familiarity with major environmental and sustainability challenges, including the specific challenges that impact island communities
Construct a sustainability analysis including using analytical methods such as: stakeholder analysis, life cycle assessment, carbon footprint calculator, energy auditing, etc.

Course SLO

articulate and demonstrate familiarity with major environmental and sustainability challenges, including the specific challenges that impact island communities
delineate the scale and applicability of sustainability measurement tools such as the environmental performance index or life cycle assessment

Course SLO

demonstrate how sustainable science measurement tools can inform policies that will shape a sustainable future
document the information resources are available to learn about the potential negative impacts of issues related to environmental degradation

Course SLO

demonstrate how sustainable science measurement tools can inform policies that will shape a sustainable future
describe and evaluate a project for property, resource, and development conflicts occurring between each component of sustainability or the triple bottom line

Course SLO

demonstrate how sustainable science measurement tools can inform policies that will shape a sustainable future
present a complete formal project including a written paper with objectives, background, abstract, overview, methods, results and analysis, conclusions and summary

Course SLO

demonstrate how sustainable science measurement tools can inform policies that will shape a sustainable future
incorporate basic economic assessments including return on investment for projects where relevant

Course SLO

demonstrate how sustainable science measurement tools can inform policies that will shape a sustainable future
list and outline the implications of county, state, federal or EPA standards or legislation associated with project related issues, evaluate the interconnections among policy areas including international treaties

Course SLO

demonstrate how sustainable science measurement tools can inform policies that will shape a sustainable future
Construct a sustainability analysis including using analytical methods such as: stakeholder analysis, life cycle assessment, carbon footprint calculator, energy auditing, etc.

Course SLO

demonstrate how sustainable science measurement tools can inform policies that will shape a sustainable future
delineate the scale and applicability of sustainability measurement tools such as the environmental performance index or life cycle assessment

Course SLO

determine policies that are relevant and imperative for the success of a particular sustainability project
document the information resources are available to learn about the potential negative impacts of issues related to environmental degradation

Course SLO

determine policies that are relevant and imperative for the success of a particular sustainability project
describe and evaluate a project for property, resource, and development conflicts occurring between each component of sustainability or the triple bottom line

Course SLO

determine policies that are relevant and imperative for the success of a particular sustainability project
present a complete formal project including a written paper with objectives, background, abstract, overview, methods, results and analysis, conclusions and summary

Course SLO

determine policies that are relevant and imperative for the success of a particular sustainability project
incorporate basic economic assessments including return on investment for projects where relevant

Course SLO

determine policies that are relevant and imperative for the success of a particular sustainability project
list and outline the implications of county, state, federal or EPA standards or legislation associated with project related issues, evaluate the interconnections among policy areas including international treaties

Course SLO

determine policies that are relevant and imperative for the success of a particular sustainability project
Construct a sustainability analysis including using analytical methods such as: stakeholder analysis, life cycle assessment, carbon footprint calculator, energy auditing, etc.

Course SLO

determine policies that are relevant and imperative for the success of a particular sustainability project
Explains features and functions of multiple systems are interconnected, and explain how one system can be optimized without degrading other systems or depleting natural resources
Investigate, discover and summarize federal, state, local and industry codes, standards, laws, regulations, and guidelines
Assess the feasibility of investing in sustainability measures using simple payback, return on investment, and life cycle costing techniques
Describe the unique sustainability challenges faced by island communities
Identify, outline and illustrate the fundamentals of existing and emerging technologies in energy production, distribution and management; water supply; wastewater treatment; and waste management; their applications, processes and requirements
 Appraise, evaluate, summarize, and explain the economic, social, cultural, political, and scientific features that make a system, process, practice, or business sustainable and consolidate that information into a sustainability profile
 Propose and justify creative solutions to sustainability challenges that are scientifically sound
Demonstrate skills related to managing sustainability projects including defining scope, selecting achievable goals, evaluating ethical implications, working with diverse teams, making presentations, and preparing reports
Explains features and functions of multiple systems are interconnected, and explain how one system can be optimized without degrading other systems or depleting natural resources

Course SLO

summarize the sustainable science management program experience including scientifically sound measures and metrics learned in program courses (e.g. chemistry, biology, energy) as well as project management skills
Investigate, discover and summarize federal, state, local and industry codes, standards, laws, regulations, and guidelines

Course SLO

summarize the sustainable science management program experience including scientifically sound measures and metrics learned in program courses (e.g. chemistry, biology, energy) as well as project management skills
Assess the feasibility of investing in sustainability measures using simple payback, return on investment, and life cycle costing techniques

Course SLO

summarize the sustainable science management program experience including scientifically sound measures and metrics learned in program courses (e.g. chemistry, biology, energy) as well as project management skills
Describe the unique sustainability challenges faced by island communities

Course SLO

summarize the sustainable science management program experience including scientifically sound measures and metrics learned in program courses (e.g. chemistry, biology, energy) as well as project management skills
Identify, outline and illustrate the fundamentals of existing and emerging technologies in energy production, distribution and management; water supply; wastewater treatment; and waste management; their applications, processes and requirements

Course SLO

summarize the sustainable science management program experience including scientifically sound measures and metrics learned in program courses (e.g. chemistry, biology, energy) as well as project management skills
 Appraise, evaluate, summarize, and explain the economic, social, cultural, political, and scientific features that make a system, process, practice, or business sustainable and consolidate that information into a sustainability profile

Course SLO

summarize the sustainable science management program experience including scientifically sound measures and metrics learned in program courses (e.g. chemistry, biology, energy) as well as project management skills
 Propose and justify creative solutions to sustainability challenges that are scientifically sound

Course SLO

summarize the sustainable science management program experience including scientifically sound measures and metrics learned in program courses (e.g. chemistry, biology, energy) as well as project management skills
Demonstrate skills related to managing sustainability projects including defining scope, selecting achievable goals, evaluating ethical implications, working with diverse teams, making presentations, and preparing reports

Course SLO

summarize the sustainable science management program experience including scientifically sound measures and metrics learned in program courses (e.g. chemistry, biology, energy) as well as project management skills
Explains features and functions of multiple systems are interconnected, and explain how one system can be optimized without degrading other systems or depleting natural resources

Course SLO

develop an understanding of how the science of sustainability is applicable in the community and the globe
Investigate, discover and summarize federal, state, local and industry codes, standards, laws, regulations, and guidelines

Course SLO

develop an understanding of how the science of sustainability is applicable in the community and the globe
Assess the feasibility of investing in sustainability measures using simple payback, return on investment, and life cycle costing techniques

Course SLO

develop an understanding of how the science of sustainability is applicable in the community and the globe
Describe the unique sustainability challenges faced by island communities

Course SLO

develop an understanding of how the science of sustainability is applicable in the community and the globe
Identify, outline and illustrate the fundamentals of existing and emerging technologies in energy production, distribution and management; water supply; wastewater treatment; and waste management; their applications, processes and requirements

Course SLO

develop an understanding of how the science of sustainability is applicable in the community and the globe
 Appraise, evaluate, summarize, and explain the economic, social, cultural, political, and scientific features that make a system, process, practice, or business sustainable and consolidate that information into a sustainability profile

Course SLO

develop an understanding of how the science of sustainability is applicable in the community and the globe
 Propose and justify creative solutions to sustainability challenges that are scientifically sound

Course SLO

develop an understanding of how the science of sustainability is applicable in the community and the globe
Demonstrate skills related to managing sustainability projects including defining scope, selecting achievable goals, evaluating ethical implications, working with diverse teams, making presentations, and preparing reports

Course SLO

develop an understanding of how the science of sustainability is applicable in the community and the globe
Explains features and functions of multiple systems are interconnected, and explain how one system can be optimized without degrading other systems or depleting natural resources

Course SLO

articulate and demonstrate familiarity with major environmental and sustainability challenges, including the specific challenges that impact island communities
Investigate, discover and summarize federal, state, local and industry codes, standards, laws, regulations, and guidelines

Course SLO

articulate and demonstrate familiarity with major environmental and sustainability challenges, including the specific challenges that impact island communities
Assess the feasibility of investing in sustainability measures using simple payback, return on investment, and life cycle costing techniques

Course SLO

articulate and demonstrate familiarity with major environmental and sustainability challenges, including the specific challenges that impact island communities
Describe the unique sustainability challenges faced by island communities

Course SLO

articulate and demonstrate familiarity with major environmental and sustainability challenges, including the specific challenges that impact island communities
Identify, outline and illustrate the fundamentals of existing and emerging technologies in energy production, distribution and management; water supply; wastewater treatment; and waste management; their applications, processes and requirements

Course SLO

articulate and demonstrate familiarity with major environmental and sustainability challenges, including the specific challenges that impact island communities
 Appraise, evaluate, summarize, and explain the economic, social, cultural, political, and scientific features that make a system, process, practice, or business sustainable and consolidate that information into a sustainability profile

Course SLO

articulate and demonstrate familiarity with major environmental and sustainability challenges, including the specific challenges that impact island communities
 Propose and justify creative solutions to sustainability challenges that are scientifically sound

Course SLO

articulate and demonstrate familiarity with major environmental and sustainability challenges, including the specific challenges that impact island communities
Demonstrate skills related to managing sustainability projects including defining scope, selecting achievable goals, evaluating ethical implications, working with diverse teams, making presentations, and preparing reports

Course SLO

articulate and demonstrate familiarity with major environmental and sustainability challenges, including the specific challenges that impact island communities
Explains features and functions of multiple systems are interconnected, and explain how one system can be optimized without degrading other systems or depleting natural resources

Course SLO

demonstrate how sustainable science measurement tools can inform policies that will shape a sustainable future
Investigate, discover and summarize federal, state, local and industry codes, standards, laws, regulations, and guidelines

Course SLO

demonstrate how sustainable science measurement tools can inform policies that will shape a sustainable future
Assess the feasibility of investing in sustainability measures using simple payback, return on investment, and life cycle costing techniques

Course SLO

demonstrate how sustainable science measurement tools can inform policies that will shape a sustainable future
Describe the unique sustainability challenges faced by island communities

Course SLO

demonstrate how sustainable science measurement tools can inform policies that will shape a sustainable future
Identify, outline and illustrate the fundamentals of existing and emerging technologies in energy production, distribution and management; water supply; wastewater treatment; and waste management; their applications, processes and requirements

Course SLO

demonstrate how sustainable science measurement tools can inform policies that will shape a sustainable future
 Appraise, evaluate, summarize, and explain the economic, social, cultural, political, and scientific features that make a system, process, practice, or business sustainable and consolidate that information into a sustainability profile

Course SLO

demonstrate how sustainable science measurement tools can inform policies that will shape a sustainable future
 Propose and justify creative solutions to sustainability challenges that are scientifically sound

Course SLO

demonstrate how sustainable science measurement tools can inform policies that will shape a sustainable future
Demonstrate skills related to managing sustainability projects including defining scope, selecting achievable goals, evaluating ethical implications, working with diverse teams, making presentations, and preparing reports

Course SLO

demonstrate how sustainable science measurement tools can inform policies that will shape a sustainable future
Explains features and functions of multiple systems are interconnected, and explain how one system can be optimized without degrading other systems or depleting natural resources

Course SLO

determine policies that are relevant and imperative for the success of a particular sustainability project
Investigate, discover and summarize federal, state, local and industry codes, standards, laws, regulations, and guidelines

Course SLO

determine policies that are relevant and imperative for the success of a particular sustainability project
Assess the feasibility of investing in sustainability measures using simple payback, return on investment, and life cycle costing techniques

Course SLO

determine policies that are relevant and imperative for the success of a particular sustainability project
Describe the unique sustainability challenges faced by island communities

Course SLO

determine policies that are relevant and imperative for the success of a particular sustainability project
Identify, outline and illustrate the fundamentals of existing and emerging technologies in energy production, distribution and management; water supply; wastewater treatment; and waste management; their applications, processes and requirements

Course SLO

determine policies that are relevant and imperative for the success of a particular sustainability project
 Appraise, evaluate, summarize, and explain the economic, social, cultural, political, and scientific features that make a system, process, practice, or business sustainable and consolidate that information into a sustainability profile

Course SLO

determine policies that are relevant and imperative for the success of a particular sustainability project
 Propose and justify creative solutions to sustainability challenges that are scientifically sound

Course SLO

determine policies that are relevant and imperative for the success of a particular sustainability project
Demonstrate skills related to managing sustainability projects including defining scope, selecting achievable goals, evaluating ethical implications, working with diverse teams, making presentations, and preparing reports

Course SLO

determine policies that are relevant and imperative for the success of a particular sustainability project